Tea time

Is there any pleasure as relaxing and indulging than an afternoon snack? My afternoon breaks usually consist in a piece of fresh fruit, a glass of cold milk, and in the colder weather, a big cup of English Breakfast (I confess I have a preference for it) tea drenched in milk.

 But once in a full moon I like to indulge on a more lavish break, as I did for this afternoon treat. A cup of red berries tea, a handful of black cherries and a homemade vanilla muffin, before I had to get going and pick my son from school. It is a relaxing moment I crave for myself, to sit down at my kitchen table, with a tea that is aromatic and full of flavour in front of me, as I go through my instagram feed, letting myself be inspired by all those amazing instagrammers I follow, as I munch on a sweet piece of cake and juicy fruit. I mean, heaven must not be far from this!


  1. essa louça é tão requinha :3 eu deixo de beber chá no verão praticamente :\

  2. eu adoro chá e servido em louça assim bonita é mesmo irresistível!


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