
I must confess, I am a sucker for beauty. For what my eyes see that my brain registers as beautiful. And I have an intense need, physical as much as psychological, of surrounding myself with it. Beauty. Vignettes are the perfect medium for such.

I love a good vignette - you only need to go to my Pinterest account to see a board there named vignettes, that covers everything, from tea to food to books and mantles!! - I love leafing through old mags and getting my eye caught by a simple photo of a sidetable arrangement, or a countertop detail on a clean kitchen, or a vase of flowers and its display. It is also my fave activity online, going through vignettes for inspiration, on those days my mind seems numb and I cannot for the life of me come up with fresh ideas, be it for writing, for blogging or photographing. And I especially love that feeling of walking through my home and coming across certain hotspots of oretty arrangements.

This is one such thing. It sits on a wooden chest underneath one of my living room windows. The fruit crate once held some quite delicious nectarines, and was just too darn pretty to get rid of. It took me a couple of days to actually notice how pretty this crate was, but the moment I noticed it, my creative juices were running and picturing just what sort of display I could get done, and where to place it. I even knew the colours I wanted to focus on.

Now, I must confess, I am highly allergic to polens and flowers. I never have fresh flowers in my house, ever. I mean, last summer I did try to, and even went off into the fields and picked a huge bunch of wild daisies and what not, but had to get rid of them as I just couldn't breathe. So no fresh ones, which is a shame, as I do love the way a bunch of aromatic and colourful flowers give light and interest to a house, and are crucial in making it look more like a home. But being it a severe no no for me, I have to content myself with... yep, you guessed it, fake flowers. Many people will say that they'd rather have no flowers at all to filling the house with fake ones, I'm not such a one. There are lovely fake flowers out there, and really, the thought of picking up fresh ones and thus killing them, makes me cringe a little. So for this vignette I knew I wanted my watering can, which usually lives out there on my hallway due to its cottage -y feel, as said hallways is decorated in that style. I put in some fake roses and daisies, just because it was what I had around, but to be honest, hydrangeas were my first thought. The lantern is an old favourite, it's from Ikea, as well as the candle inside it, and it's one of those pieces that I do adore, I wish I had more of them, as I am crazy for lanterns. I decided to keep this vignette quite simple and summery, but I can see it changing from season to season - I am already thinking of what to make of it come fall!! How about you, do you plant little vignettes around your home?


  1. I'm allergic too so bad and the whole year long!!! :( BUT i CAN'T HELP i LOVE FLOWERS ANYWAY
    Feel free to visit my blog WWW.MARIEZAMBOLI.COM

    We are happy to read new opinions babe!

  2. Diria que rodearmo-nos de beleza é uma boa prática. E acredito que seja também uma forma de ver a vida com outros olhos e apreciar mais o que nos rodeia, porque em qualquer recanto podemos encontrar coisas bonitas. A decoração ficou mesmo gira e acho que a reutilização da caixa de nectarinas foi uma excelente ideia, aposto que deu logo outro ar a esse cantinho da tua casa! :)

  3. uiui alergias... E é tão lindo um bom ramo de flores numa linda jarra. Mas tenho de admitir que as falsas do ikea já me deixam contente

  4. está maravilhoso! tão simples e tão bonito! realmente é muito importante roderamo-nos de coisas belas e de fazer da estética uma parte integrante das nossas vidas, é que eleva logo o espírito e a boa disposição!


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