A sheet of hot chocolate cookies for Marta's March table

As I write this, the weather outside is atrocious and all I can think of is how I would welcome a piping hot mug of tea and one of these cookies. Instead, I have freezing hands, runny nose, a post to write and a book to continue. Also have a few teasers to design for my published works, ree online images to search through, this post to write, and so much more work that involves going out in the rain a couple of times all I really want to do is lie down on my sofa with my tablet and read the novel I dove into just yesterday.

But I know I won't do that, and I know I will persevere, even if the amount of work seems daunting to me. I will try to organise myself and my thoughts - always brimming with far too many ideas for me to be able to settle for one alone - and I will work my ass off, as I usually do. Even when it turns out that all my hard work is for nothing, I do it again and again and again because I'm a stubborn cow. These cookies are a product of my stubborness, see. I had the idea for them ages ago, hot chocolate cookies that mixed cocoa and milk in flavour and tasted like a soft, munchy hug of goodness. I tired my husband down to the ground until he caved in and baked these babies.

Marta's ingredient of this month is chocolate, and although I do have like a ton of recipes using chocolate to its best in this blog, I wanted to add a few more to the list. These cookies, which I had forgotten in a folder and managed to retrieve after my computer disaster of two weeks ago, came in very handy after all. This was the kind of post I had been saving for a rainy day, and seeing it's pouring outside, it couldn't have come at a better time. The fact they fit into Marta's table so perfectly is an added bonus. Because these are very good cookies, indeed, and you'll be dipping your hand into the cookie jar once and again, for one more cookie, only one more cookie, you'll say, and know it's a lie.

So without further ado, here's how you bake yourself a few of these pretty babies - I do love the marbled effect, don't you?
  • 350 gr flour
  • 250 gr cold butter
  • 175 gr dark muscovado sugar
  • 3 tbsp raw cocoa powder
  • 3 tbsp powdered milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder
Mix the baking powder and flour together. Pour over a clean, cold surface and prise a hole in the middle. Add the sugar, butter, and egg. Combine all ingredients into a dough. Knead it very softly, until you have a silky dough. Now sprinkle the powdered milk and the cocoa, kneading a little bit more. You don't want to overdo it, what you want is to make sure you combine these new ingredients to the rest of the dough and get that marbled effect on it. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate it for half an hour at least. Then bring the dough out and roll it quickly over a floured surface, cutting it into the shapes you want. Transfer cookies to a baking tray lined with baking parchement and bake in the oven for about 12 minutes at 170º. Serve with a tea, or a cup of hot chocolate!


  1. Your perseverance is well appreciated! These cookies look wonderful!

  2. Olá minha linda. Eu vejo a teimosia, na dose certa é óbvio, como uma virtude e nunca como um defeito. Confesso que às vezes, no meu caso, exagero um pouquinho na quantidade ;)
    Estas bolachas soam tão, mas tão bem! Assim que vi a tua descrição no IG achei que só podiam ser um sucesso... pela lista de ingredientes fica sem a menor duvida que sejam deliciosas. Vão ficar sem duvida perfeitas na nossa mesa :)
    Beijinhos e obrigado por encontrares um tempinho para participares com uma receita nova

    1. eu sou teimosa em demasia, entra na onda da estupidez, por vezes lol!!!

  3. These are the perfect cookies for rainy days and for days when you're feeling like nothing is quite going to plan. Would love to have one right now actually. the vegan version ;)
    Thanks for sharing
    Hugs, K

    1. tell me about it!! today has been one of those, as my internet provider has been having problems in my area and I've been out of access on and off to exhaustion. I need net connection to work ahahahah! I think these are easy to turn vegan, or at least plant based - except for the egg.


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